Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bristol is 4!

 Bristol has his 4th birthday last week! We had to start off the day with our tradition of birthday donuts....this has become something that we all look forward to! Bristol was so sweet all day he just kept saying, "Thank you for my birthday Mommy!"
 We had some friends over for lunch and a party in the afternoon. It was so fun seeing all of the kids running around and playing...the weather has been really nice and warming up, so we were able to spend a lot of time riding bikes outside.

 The boys helped me make a pinata...I was worried it wouldn't last one hit, but it did pretty well. All of the kids were able to have a few whacks at it! Brian made a wooden pirate sword to do the whacking with!

Bristol loved playing with all of the "big Boy" Lego's he got for his birthday! He also spent a long time doing some of his new puzzles. He will sit until he figures them out! He can now do a 68 piece puzzle by himself and loves to put together 100 piece puzzles with help. He has also recently taken up bike riding...and peddling. He wouldn't peddle at all last summer he just scooted must be because he is 4 now!

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