Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fur Rondy 2012

Yesterday we went to the Fur Rondy dog sled race that starts and ends in Anchorage.It was so fun...I think I could be a dog sled racer...if I had someone else to pick up the dog poop (not my favorite). Bella has been holding her head like this in the Ergo lately. Looks really uncomfortable!

 One of the boy's favorite part of the day was the coyote legs Brian bought them...I don't really have anything else to say about that =)
My sister and niece came for a week long visit recently. It was so fun to get to spend some time together and to have all of the cousins together!

 We made piggy pancakes for the kids and read "If you Give a Pig a Pancake"
 Angie and Rylan in Hatcher's Pass. It is so beautiful up there...but it was super snowy and foggy the day we went Angie could'nt even see the mountains!
 On the way back from Hatcher's Pass Hudson kept sneaking Bailey his snack.
 Bella and Rylan

I have been doing a letter a week preschool for Bristol and this week we were on the letter V. So, we made and erupted some volcanoes for one of our activities.

Playing in Hatcher's Pass

 Hudson making his way up the sledding hill on a snowy trip to Hatcher's Pass
Bella hanging out at the bottom of the hill.
 Snowboarding with Bailey! So Fun!! Brian dropped me off and drove down the mountain to pick me up. (Gotta love the hot pink Michelin Man coat!)
Love our family devotion time at the end of the day!

Every Day

 Bristol is still loving puzzles.

 Bella loves Sam's dog bed...yuck!
 Hudson keeps binoculars by the back window to see if he can spot any moose.
 This guy was on our street...We have seen tons of moose this winter. I don't think I will ever get used to seeing them!
The boys helping me make cookies. When they wear their chef clothes they start speaking with funny accents and saying things like, "Chef Mania...Momma Mia..the chef must wash their hands!" Ha Ha...

Bella is 1!

 Isabella is one! This year seemed to fly by...Bella is walking all over, finally got her first tooth...with one more coming in, and is a pretty easy going girl! She kind of goes with the flow. She loves Daddy and follows him everywhere! She also loves to dance! I love baby dancing!

Happy Birthday Bella!