Thursday, September 1, 2011


All three kids ready for bed. Man, we love these guys!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day to Day

Brian has been back to work the past couple of weeks...this is one of his last Korean trips! One more to go. Needless to say, I have been busy with a cute bunch of kiddos! We have been able to stay pretty busy, which always makes for better days. Today has been pretty slow...the minutes seem to be ticking is raining outside so we are stuck inside. The boys are playing in the sink (swimming dinos around) and Bella's taking her afternoon nap. Here are a few pictures from over the past week. Hudson and Bristol love to entertain their baby sister!
Isabella has been sitting up with only the occasional topple over.We met some friends at the reindeer farm in Palmer on Monday. Here is Anne with Bristol feeding a baby reindeer.

One tired baby!

Hiking at Lake Lucille

Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby Tidbits

Isabella is just about 6 months old! I seriously can't believe how fast time is speeding by! Bella is the sweetest baby and her brothers just adore her. They are constantly singing and dancing for her, "reading" her stories and talking to her in a baby voice. All you have to do is look at Bella and you are rewarded with a big cooing smile. She is also experimenting with her voice. This sound usually comes out as a high pitched squeal...then the boys squeal back...needless to say, we are a noisy house! Our days have been full of adventure, part to explore our new state, and part to wear out our active boys! We have not been spending too much time at home in the afternoons, so Bella's nap schedule is...nap on the go...probably not the best for establishing a schedule, but she has been sleeping about 14 hours straight at night! She is also enjoying eating baby rice cereal, carrots, sweet potato, banana, and pears!

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Picnic

We were invited to a family picnic today in Big Lake...I was able to get to know some new friends a little better and made some new ones too! The boys had a wonderful time swimming, climbing inflatables, playing some great games, and even watching a bowling ball get launched from a canon!

The men getting ready to launch the bowling ball

Hudson and Bristol getting ready to run the three legged race

Lining up to find the treasure, or candy, hidden in the hay stack.

It was such a wonderful day! I love how the boys were just able to play! They were also pretty excited about the candy! Bristol was sitting at a picnic table licking a lollipop and falling it! All the kids are sleeping now and I am going to head to bed pretty soon myself! Brian had to head back on one of his last trips to Korea...It takes me a couple of days to get into the single parent routine...I'm tired!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It Wasn't For Lack of Tryin'

Beautiful Willow Creek the day before King Salmon fishing opens...

Combat King fishing at Willow Creek at 6am opening day...we decided it wasn't challenging enough to just battle the crowds and try and catch some Kings, so we brought our kids along too...

Leaving Willow Creek empty handed...well kind of...We saw 3 Kings caught...and about 200 people get skunked right along with us!

We took this scenic drive on the way to Talkeetna

More fishing on Sheep Creek

Brian and I took turns out on the water and watching the kids. The boys loved playing in the river and watching all of the action!

Bee Catchers

The boys have been loving catching bees in the yard...there are some bushes in the front yard that have lots of bees buzzing around just looking to be captured:) Hudson and Bristol have a natural instict to hunt...this summer bees, maybe next summer bears?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Camping on Cooper Lake

We have been out camping the last couple of days at Cooper Lake. It was about a 3 hour drive from here toward Seward and through Cooper Landing. The weather was beautiful and we fully took advantage of it! We found a great spot to camp along the lake. We set out on the canoe to explore the lake and get some fishing in. We were able to have trout for dinner!

Brian went out on the canoe and did some fishing on his own...this is at about 11pm! It sure is hard to get to bed when the sun is still shining!

Hudson and Bailey waiting for Brian to bring in a fish!

We paddled along the shore to this rock beach...Bella had her afternoon nap on the shore...literally!

My catch...not too big...this was the first fish I have caught with no help!

Thursday, June 23, 2011