Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hudson and Bristol are continuing to change it seems daily. Bristol is becoming more and more alert, and Hudson is talking and more curious then ever. They are also becoming more aware of each other. We have had a couple instances where they will start cracking each other up...these are the moments that I can't wait to see more of.

Bristol got to go on his first bike ride today. Hudson is an old pro in the bike trailer, however he sure loves bikes these days. He loves to call out, "bike, bike". Bristol just took in all the sights on the ride...he seemed to enjoy it.

We have started Bristol on cereal. He is not too sure of it yet.
We have started a family movie night over the last few weekends. On Friday nights we've been renting a Hudson friendly movie and popping some popcorn to go with it. Hudson has really been enjoying this new family practice....he's not too good at sharing the popcorn though!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kayaking and Kids

On Tuesday Brian offered to watch Hudson, Bristol, and the Koning's cutie Abee. This meant Melissa and I were free!! Not that we were overly excited or anything...So, we decided to go kayaking in Boston Harbor. I haven't been kayaking since junior high camp, but Melissa is a pro. We kayaked a few miles along the shoreline and into an inlet. Along the way we saw tons of starfish, four seals, and the biggest jellyfish I have ever seen!

We guessed this jellyfish was about 2 feet wide.

When we got back to the house we found that Brian had done a great job with the kids! They were happily playing, and the house wasn't in bad shape! Thank you Brian for the very fun day!! (For all those guys out there who may be thinking this is a bit unfair, Brian and Brian Koning were able to go golfing and go-kart racing on Sunday, great trade!)

Here are some recent pictures of the kids.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lena Lake

Today we drove a little over an hour north of here to a town called Hama Hama. Hudson had fun trying to say, "Hama Hama". We then hiked a round trip of 6 miles to Lena Lake. The weather and scenery couldn't have been better!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend we were lucky enough to have Brian's sister Danica, her husband Geoffe, and their beautiful daughter Melanie come visit us from California. We always enjoy the time we are able to spend with them and this weekend was no exception. It was exciting to take them to some of the places that we have found and enjoy.

We went to the Port of Olympia for the Harbor Days.

We picked enough blackberries for Danica to make us a blackberry pie. Delicious!

Burfoot Park

The kids had fun playing on the beach until it started raining...we had to end the trip a little early, but we had fun anyways.

Lattin Farm

It was so fun to have Hudson and Melanie together. I think Hudson misses her already. He has been walking around today calling her name. Hopefully we will be able to get them together again soon!