Monday, January 19, 2009

Around the Ness House

Here are some pictures of the boys around the house over the last couple of days.

Bristol is crawling up stairs! Don't worry Grandmas this is not something we allow to happen on a regular more broken noses around our house!
Hudson enjoys listening to "moosic".
Hudson gets really excited when he, or Daddy, builds a really tall tower. He starts running around the table shouting, "Yea! Yea!".

Last night Brian took Hudson to the Monster Jam at the Tacoma Dome. He said there was a lot of double pointing!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Night

Here are some pictures of the boys before going to bed tonight. Bristol is looking pretty big these days. He is crawling faster and he really enjoys standing while holding onto things. This also means we are reaching the stage of bruised foreheads. Both boys have substantial bruising across their heads right now.

Hudson was saying, "nigh night brother".