Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Boys Flying

 The boys got to go on their first flight in a little airplane today. It was the talk at dinner tonight! They were so excited to go up and down and back and forth! They even got to fly over the house...I was waving like a crazy women off the back porch=) A friend of ours was nice enough to take the kids up!

 Bristol and Bella have been little buddies lately, or partners in crime, whatever you want to call it.Here they are playing with the counting bears very nicely...this was right before the bears got scattered all over the floor.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Isabella has been pretty hard to keep tabs on lately! She is climbing on everything and into everything! She is also super sweet and loves to follow us around and "help"...she is also starting to talk and has Mom, Dad, Dog, yes, Uh oh, and maybe some other words too...but these are what come to mind!

Bristol is 4!

 Bristol has his 4th birthday last week! We had to start off the day with our tradition of birthday donuts....this has become something that we all look forward to! Bristol was so sweet all day he just kept saying, "Thank you for my birthday Mommy!"
 We had some friends over for lunch and a party in the afternoon. It was so fun seeing all of the kids running around and playing...the weather has been really nice and warming up, so we were able to spend a lot of time riding bikes outside.

 The boys helped me make a pinata...I was worried it wouldn't last one hit, but it did pretty well. All of the kids were able to have a few whacks at it! Brian made a wooden pirate sword to do the whacking with!

Bristol loved playing with all of the "big Boy" Lego's he got for his birthday! He also spent a long time doing some of his new puzzles. He will sit until he figures them out! He can now do a 68 piece puzzle by himself and loves to put together 100 piece puzzles with help. He has also recently taken up bike riding...and peddling. He wouldn't peddle at all last summer he just scooted along...it must be because he is 4 now!

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11th...

On Friday, May 11, 2001 I went out to a little place called the muffin Cafe for some 99cent sushi...As I was sitting there with my friends enjoying some really cheap, yet yummy, sushi in walked a very handsome man who sat down at a table, alone, and ordering a very large beer...

The first time I saw Brian...I love our meeting story, and all the other stories that come after.

Anyways, I probably wouldn't remember the date if it weren't for this awesome song Brian wrote about it. Now as it is May 11th...I'm thinking of it.... 

"Friday, this 11th of May, Thursday why even remember?"....

Feeling Spring!

 Isabella has seemed to change into more of a toddler then a baby...somehow overnight?! OK...it feels like it anyways=) She has discovered a true love for climbing on top of or even into things. This includes climbing on top of the kitchen table to do a little dance....She must be related to our older two! She also loves to play in her toy kitchen, we have picnics, and spread plastic food all over the house.....

 Our homeschooling year is coming to an end....I have realized, as Bella gets more active daily, that I need to get better at multi tasking...here is a fine example, we have Hudson doing handwriting, Bristol doing a puzzle and Bella water painting. Hopefully this a skill I can continue to improve.
 This afternoon I took the kids to a trail we like to walk/bike on. This is our first trip there this year! The snow has finally melted and it is warming up! Last year I pushed Bella and Bristol in the stroller while Hudson rode his bike. This was the first time we all rode bikes. I really enjoyed it! After our ride we played at the park for a while.

I love how we can't get away from these beautiful mountains!