Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby Tidbits

Isabella is just about 6 months old! I seriously can't believe how fast time is speeding by! Bella is the sweetest baby and her brothers just adore her. They are constantly singing and dancing for her, "reading" her stories and talking to her in a baby voice. All you have to do is look at Bella and you are rewarded with a big cooing smile. She is also experimenting with her voice. This sound usually comes out as a high pitched squeal...then the boys squeal back...needless to say, we are a noisy house! Our days have been full of adventure, part to explore our new state, and part to wear out our active boys! We have not been spending too much time at home in the afternoons, so Bella's nap schedule is...nap on the go...probably not the best for establishing a schedule, but she has been sleeping about 14 hours straight at night! She is also enjoying eating baby rice cereal, carrots, sweet potato, banana, and pears!