I recently had a friend ask me what I do all day...I guess because I don't have a job....a job outside the home that is.... Anyways, this was our day before lunch...Breakfast, Laundry, setting up train tracks, finger painting, play dough....trying really hard to make a play dough frog as good as Daddy, but Hudson was not impressed, practicing sorting colored letters, making tissue paper "fall" trees, snack, coloring with markers, walking to the "digger" park and playing outside, Lunch.....

So, I guess to answer the question, I play all day! =)
Makes me tired reading all you do! YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD MOM! :) I miss you! We must talk again soon! We're going to ID for the weekend, but maybe next week!
You nurture, care for, teach and love your children everyday and in that process you are raising your little men to know God. :)
So jealous!
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