Monday, February 8, 2010

Exciting Times

Our entire house has been a little under the weather for the past couple of weeks. Everyone is feeling much better and the boys and I were ready to head out and enjoy the sunshine. I don't think the temperature got past 40 degrees today, but it amazing how warm that can feel when the sun is shining! This afternoon we spent some time at the Tracy Aviary and then exploring Liberty Park.
Last week we went to a Family Fun center that put in a Jungle climbing area. I love that I have an excuse to climb and play. I think there may be a day when it is not so fun having your mom crawling and jumping with you, so I'm going to enjoy every minute I get to hang out with these little guys!

While Bristol takes his afternoon nap we usually try to do something special with Hudson. This particular day Brian was working on the Expedition, changing transmission fluid, and working on the brakes....while Hudson and I went for a walk, and played outside.

This is about all of the snow left in the backyard, but why not shovel it? And you can never be too careful, so he was wearing saftey glasses and his helmet.
Next project...stiring the grain? Not sure why, but then again why not?

I love that our days are full of fun and playing! I am so thankful to have a husband that works so hard to take care of us and that I am able to stay home and raise our boys!

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