After arriving to our new home we starting the task of unpacking the truck.
There was a point in time when I didn't think the boxes would ever go away! Rj gave me some good advice,"Just unpack one at a time".
Grandpa and Hudson taking a break from unpacking to make good use of a lamp shade.
The front of the house
Well, after a week of working hard to unpack, I think we are finally all moved into our new home, new home for the next 6 months atleast. The town we moved to is Tumwater, WA. The neighborhood is very nice and there is a nice park close by for Hudson to play in. There is not quite as much space as we are used to, but I think the house will work out well for us. 
Yeah for blogs! You really did hit Rainier on a beautiful day! We are so glad you are here!
Hi guys sorry we wavent keep in touch better but looks like you have everything in order.
We all miss you but Bryan misses you guys the most. He keeps asking when are we going to Jocelyns house. Every time we drive toward your house he yells we going to Jocelyns! He will be happy when you guys come back home. Looks like you are having a good (but not too good we wnat you to come back)time and there is a lot to do there. Well hope all is well and you guys enjoy the time you have as a family.
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