Today we had a great family day! We started by heading to Watershed Park. This is a great trail that's only about 5.5 miles away from our house. It is right in town, but it feels like you're in the middle of a rain forest. The weather today has been pretty rainy, but we decided we had better get used to it and went out anyways. Hudson's new word today was river, which he learned from the many little bridge crossings over the creek running through the trail. He also likes to randomly call out, "tree!"...which there is no lack of! After hiking around Watershed Park we headed to Tolmie State Park. We had a picnic lunch then walked down to the water to do some exploring. Hudson found any little puddle he could do dance in, and Bailey had a great time playing fetch, swimming and chasing seagulls. Bristol slept through all of the excitement. All in all a great day!

Hudson found a sand dollar...