We have been getting some pretty great snow here in Olympia! I think we got about 6 inches last night to add to the already 6 inches from over the last couple of days. Now in Utah this amount of snow would not effect all that much, and if you were lucky you were heading up the mountain to take advantage of some fresh powder (I haven't been all that lucky the past couple of seasons!). Now, this amount of snow in Olympia changes about everything! I don't think it is common to get this much snow, and there are no plows! So, this morning church was cancelled, Brian is on his way home from the airport because his last two flights were cancelled, and we were without electricity for a couple of hours today. This didn't stop Hudson and I from going out and enjoying ourselves!

He was determined to "mow" the snow...he got a little frustrated by not being able to push the mower through the snow. By a little frustrated I mean screaming and crying!

Bristol stayed nice and warm by playing indoors.